Our Projects



Fundraising was started: 18.03.2023

Status: Fundraising is going on…

844 000 ₽
We need to raise: 700 000 ₽
Donations history
Date // time Name Amount
26.07.2024, 04:00 Оганисян Гаянэ 1 000 ₽
26.06.2024, 04:00 Оганисян Гаянэ 1 000 ₽
26.05.2024, 04:00 Оганисян Гаянэ 1 000 ₽
26.04.2024, 04:00 Оганисян Гаянэ 1 000 ₽
26.02.2024, 04:00 Оганисян Гаянэ 1 000 ₽
26.01.2024, 04:00 Оганисян Гаянэ 1 000 ₽
26.12.2023, 04:00 Оганисян Гаянэ 1 000 ₽
26.11.2023, 04:00 Оганисян Гаянэ 1 000 ₽
26.10.2023, 04:00 Оганисян Гаянэ 1 000 ₽
26.09.2023, 09:06 Оганисян Гаянэ 1 000 ₽
25.07.2023, 14:11 Карен Асцатурян 5 000 ₽
12.07.2023, 08:12 Мирзоян Роберт 2 000 ₽
10.07.2023, 00:00 Благотворительный аукцион 355 000 ₽
19.06.2023, 15:49 Багдасарян Давид 1 000 ₽
30.05.2023, 20:52 Karen Matevosyan 10 000 ₽
24.04.2023, 00:00 Арман Давтян 300 000 ₽
23.04.2023, 22:46 Гайк Варданян 35 000 ₽
23.04.2023, 19:47 Лазарян Артур 50 000 ₽
19.04.2023, 09:51 Помешкина Лилия 1 000 ₽
16.04.2023, 21:46 Мироян Рузанна 1 000 ₽
15.04.2023, 19:13 Петросян Артур Арташесович 3 000 ₽
03.04.2023, 04:33 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
23.03.2023, 10:35 Нарине Аванесян 1 000 ₽
18.03.2023, 18:13 Гагик Саркисян 10 000 ₽
18.03.2023, 02:29 Галстян Давид 50 000 ₽

Dear friends, compatriots! 

Charitable Foundation “Our Cause” together with the International Musical Festival “Palaces of St. Petersburg”, directed by Honored Artist of Russia Maria Safaryants, publishes a new project called “Armenian Children on the Banks of the Neva”. The project stipulates inviting talented child musicians from the border and frontline regions of Syunik and courageous freedom-loving Artsakh to St. Petersburg in the summer of 2023.

In 2021 CF “Our Cause” invited and hosted in Russia, in Saint-Petersburg a big group of talented child-musicians from Artsakh whose stay in Saint-Petersburg left an indelible impression both on the children and on everyone who communicated with them and was present at the gala-concert! In 2022 CF “Our Cause” sponsored participation of talented children artists from “Dizak Art” studio in the International Children Painting Plenary in Vladimir. In January 2023 CF “Nashe Delo” and MMF “St. Petersburg Palaces” organized Christmas Charity event, which included, among other events, paintings of children artists from “Dizak Art”, the proceeds of which were fully allocated for the “Children of Armenia on the Banks of the Neva” project.

In the framework of the new project “Children of Armenia on the Banks of the Neva River” we plan to expand the geography of the regions of Armenia represented. Like the rest of our compatriots from these regions, these children are under the sights of the enemy and under the constant threat, in blockades and deprivations, in basements and bomb shelters. And yet they find the strength and desire to touch the beautiful and eternal, to make music, to create, to improve their skills in conditions of regular blackouts in schools and homes with electricity and heat.

Our Cause” Charitable Foundation and “Saint Petersburg Palaces” International Charitable Foundation would like to present a few days of carefree happiness to our beautiful children and organize the participation of musically gifted children from Syunik and Artsakh in “Saint Petersburg Palaces” International Music Festival.

In addition, the project will make it possible to show the children the great Russian culture, our incomparable St. Petersburg, invite the youth from the Diaspora to a concert of their peers from the regions which have suffered a lot, show the talent of the Armenian people, children, the indestructibility of Syunik and Artsakh and bring joy to the children (visiting the theaters, concerts, museums and excursions). And the main part of the children’s stay in St. Petersburg will be a charity gala-concert, where our young musicians will show their skills to St. Petersburg audience.

Charity Foundation “Our Cause” is planning full financial support of all aspects of stay of children and 2 accompanying teachers in St.Petersburg (including accommodation, meals, transport, excursions, visiting palaces and museums, etc.).

We invite everyone who is not indifferent to take part in this project and thank you for your donations!



Fundraising was started: 13.03.2023

Status: Fundraising is going on…

112 000 ₽
Donations history
Date // time Name Amount
19.04.2023, 01:27 Арам Даниелян 3 000 ₽
08.04.2023, 18:51 Севак Мелоян 3 000 ₽
08.04.2023, 14:42 Ованес Арутюнян 1 000 ₽
08.04.2023, 14:20 Арутюнов Александр 10 000 ₽
24.03.2023, 18:45 Сергей Карапетян 10 000 ₽
22.03.2023, 23:00 Вардан Сафарян 30 000 ₽
22.03.2023, 16:12 Асриян Армен 10 000 ₽
19.03.2023, 11:22 Анна Габрилян 3 000 ₽
19.03.2023, 02:12 Григорян Григорий 3 000 ₽
18.03.2023, 00:09 Давтян Кристина 5 000 ₽
17.03.2023, 23:21 Артур Айрапетян 1 000 ₽
17.03.2023, 22:59 Арам Шарабханян 3 000 ₽
13.03.2023, 23:20 Артур Апресян 30 000 ₽

Dear friends! 

We are publishing a new project conceived by our partners – the Armenian Medical Association (AMA) of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. The funds collected for this project will be used by the decision of the Board of Trustees and the Board of the AMA for purposes in accordance with the Charter of the Association, its mission, values and objectives. Our wonderful St. Petersburg has brought up, raised, sheltered many medical specialists of Armenian origin! Many of them did not even know about each other’s existence. This is how the idea arose to create a community of doctors of Armenian origin and people close in spirit, primarily for mutual support. And also for:

    •  assistance to patients in need of consultation and treatment of specialists of different profiles;
    • for interaction with colleagues in Armenia, Russia, Abroad;
    • to support young professionals;
    • providing assistance to the Diaspora.

On April 29, 2017, with the support of the Armenian Apostolic Church, a group of like-minded people managed to organize the first meeting of Armenian doctors in St. Petersburg. And in April 2018, the Association was officially registered. At the moment, the AMA includes more than 270 honey. doctors of different specialties. And the composition is constantly updated. Over the five years of the community ‘s existence, many projects have been implemented:

    • At the request of colleagues from Armenia, young doctors of various specialties were invited and trained;
    • Experienced doctors of the AMA conducted lecture cycles for students with a focus on a specific specialization;
    • Several victims were operated on during the military operations in Artsakh;
    • Equipment, medicines and much more have been purchased and sent for some clinics in the border areas of Armenia;
    • During the outbreak of the COVID epidemic, numerous protective equipment was purchased and distributed to doctors of medical institutions in St. Petersburg.

Thanks to the sponsors, the Association, represented by the Board and the Board of Trustees, organizes general meetings for doctors and their families twice a year, the main idea of which is to unite doctors, to get to know families, to attract new Community members.

WhatsApp Chat and Telegram canal work for the Community 24 hours a day. Through such communication, all AMA members can talk about problems, ask for help from colleagues, and make various suggestions. And the Association always helps! That was directly felt by both doctors and numerous patients who saved their lives and health thanks to the communications and assistance of AMA specialists. 

You can provide financial assistance for the implementation of projects of the Armenian Medical Association.



Fundraising was started: 15.02.2023

Status: Fundraising is going on…

551 500 ₽
We need to raise: 600 000 ₽
Donations history
Date // time Name Amount
01.09.2023, 13:51 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
14.08.2023, 11:08 Мкртчян Карен 20 000 ₽
13.08.2023, 11:08 Мкртчян Карен 20 000 ₽
13.08.2023, 11:07 Сардарян Карен 200 000 ₽
16.07.2023, 07:35 Мкртчян Карен 20 000 ₽
14.07.2023, 14:41 Исаханян Овик 10 000 ₽
19.06.2023, 15:53 Багдасарян Давид 1 000 ₽
01.06.2023, 14:03 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
28.05.2023, 13:18 Привет Привет => Перенос всех зачислений с проекта "КРЫЛЬЦО ЦЕРКВИ СВ.ВОСКРЕСЕНИЯ В САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГЕ" 500 ₽
28.05.2023, 13:17 Симонян => Перенос всех зачислений с проекта "КРЫЛЬЦО ЦЕРКВИ СВ.ВОСКРЕСЕНИЯ В САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГЕ" 1 000 ₽
28.05.2023, 13:16 Ваган Саркисян => Перенос всех зачислений с проекта "КРЫЛЬЦО ЦЕРКВИ СВ.ВОСКРЕСЕНИЯ В САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГЕ" 1 000 ₽
28.05.2023, 13:15 Карен => Перенос всех зачислений с проекта "КРЫЛЬЦО ЦЕРКВИ СВ.ВОСКРЕСЕНИЯ В САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГЕ" 3 000 ₽
28.05.2023, 13:15 Гойдина Инесса => Перенос всех зачислений с проекта "КРЫЛЬЦО ЦЕРКВИ СВ.ВОСКРЕСЕНИЯ В САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГЕ" 10 000 ₽
28.05.2023, 13:13 Даниелян Арам => Перенос всех зачислений с проекта "КРЫЛЬЦО ЦЕРКВИ СВ.ВОСКРЕСЕНИЯ В САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГЕ" 100 000 ₽
28.05.2023, 13:11 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») => Перенос всех зачислений с проекта "КРЫЛЬЦО ЦЕРКВИ СВ.ВОСКРЕСЕНИЯ В САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГЕ" 100 000 ₽
19.03.2023, 17:19 Леонид 5 000 ₽
10.03.2023, 20:52 Унан Бароян 20 000 ₽
01.03.2023, 00:00 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
15.02.2023, 17:19 Даниелян Арам 10 000 ₽


Our Foundation has already presented charitable projects related to the Church of St.Resurrection and the Armenian Cemetery in St. Petersburg. Some of the projects have been executed, some are in the process of execution. And now we are publishing a new project to restore the central inner path from the temple gate along the existing graves and to the new ones. On the initiative of the Foundation and with the blessing of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the restoration/replacement of the gates of the Church of St. Nicholas was carried out by the efforts of Abramov Levon Yurievich.Resurrection from the cemetery, and they began to be used again for their original purpose. And now it’s time to restore the central path of the cemetery.

The first Armenians appeared in St. Petersburg under Peter I. Until 1791, Armenians were buried in the Smolensk Gentile cemetery. In connection with the petition of Archpriest Stephen, Empress Catherine II, by her decree of February 15 (26), 1791, ordered to allocate a place for a separate Armenian cemetery and allowed to build a stone church. On May 4, 1791, the church of Surb Harutyun (Holy Resurrection) was founded in the cemetery. 

In Soviet times, in 1923, the church was closed. Some valuable monuments, according to the new authorities, were moved to the museum of urban sculpture, and a sculpture workshop was made in the church. 

In 1939, the cemetery was closed, and after a while a huge piece of the cemetery was cut off and a football field was made on it, and subsequently a residential building was built. Now its territory is about 0.5 hectares.

In 1988, the Church of St.The resurrections were returned to the believers. Thanks to the efforts of the Church and activists of the Armenian community of the city, part of the cemetery was restored, the burial of Armenians was resumed. The burials of the XIX century in the Armenian architectural style, represented by sarcophagi, granite slabs with inscriptions in Armenian and family crypts, are of historical and architectural value. And a few years ago, burials were allowed in the part of the cemetery where there was a garbage dump in the period 1939 to 1988, in connection with which there is a height difference between the “old” and “new” sections. The project provides for the restoration of the existing track, the design of a staircase for climbing to a new site and a small platform.

We invite you to participate in this project and contribute to the restoration of the remaining part of our historic cemetery. 

Thank you in advance for your donations!



Fundraising was started: 03.12.2022

Status: Fundraising is going on…

400 000 ₽
We need to raise: 350 000 ₽
Donations history
Date // time Name Amount
15.03.2023, 10:28 Абрамов Левон 100 000 ₽
02.02.2023, 10:44 Абрамов Левон 100 000 ₽
04.12.2022, 10:47 Абрамов Левон 200 000 ₽

In 2021, on the initiative of the Our Business Foundation with the blessing of the Armenian The Apostolic Church through the efforts of Abramov Levon Yurievich carried out the restoration / replacement of the gates of the Church of St.Resurrections from the cemetery, and they began to be used again for their original purpose.

Our Business Publishing House publishes a new project for the design of internal doors between the main part of the temple and the tomb of the Lazarev family. By decree of the Empress Catherine II On February 15 (26), 1791, a place was allocated in St. Petersburg for a separate Armenian cemetery and the construction of a stone church. And already on May 4 , 1791 at the cemetery was The church of Surb Harutyun (Holy Resurrection) was founded. The temple was built on the initiative and at the expense of the head of the Armenian community of St. Petersburg Ivan Lazarevich Lazarev. The consecration took place in 1793. In the 1930s, the church was closed and used as a sculpture workshop. The church was returned to believers only in 1988, after which restoration was carried out. The peculiarities of the services held and the installation of candles require the separation of the main part of the temple and the tomb of the Lazarev family. With the blessing of the Armenian Apostolic The Church has created a new installation project on the initiative of the Our Business Foundation interior doors in the Church (photo attached).

We invite you to contribute to this project.
Thank you for your concern.
Budget: 350.000. rubles.




Fundraising was started: 08.05.2022

Status: fundraising is going on…

215 500 ₽
We need to raise: 900 000 ₽
Donations history
Date // time Name Amount
02.02.2023, 10:43 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
09.01.2023, 10:17 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
01.12.2022, 20:07 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
01.11.2022, 20:39 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
02.10.2022, 21:22 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
25.09.2022, 14:19 Карен 3 000 ₽
19.09.2022, 14:13 Ваган Саркисян 1 000 ₽
02.09.2022, 19:46 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
02.08.2022, 22:17 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
01.07.2022, 05:55 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
02.06.2022, 19:47 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
13.05.2022, 19:40 Гойдина Инесса 10 000 ₽
11.05.2022, 09:36 Матевосян Спартак (ООО «Сантэ») 10 000 ₽
11.05.2022, 07:36 Привет привет 500 ₽
11.05.2022, 00:16 Симонян 1 000 ₽
08.05.2022, 00:00 Даниелян Арам 100 000 ₽

Friends! Less than six months ago, on the initiative of Charitable Foundation ‘Our Duty’ and thanks to the efforts of Levon Yurievich Abramov, the gates of the Church of the Holy Resurrection from the side of the cemetery were restored, and they began to be used again for their original purpose.

The Charitable Foundation ‘Our Duty’ is publishing a new project. Now it is planned to restore the entrance group of the Church of the Holy Resurrection. The door and porch were installed after the revival of the church in the late 80s of the last century – that is why they need to be restored.

The first Armenians appeared in Saint Petersburg during the reign of Peter I. Until 1791, they were buried at the Smolensk heterodox cemetery. In connection with the request of Archpriest Stephen, Empress Catherine II, by her decree of February 15 (26), 1791, ordered to allocate a place for a separate Armenian cemetery and allowed the construction of a stone church. On May 4, 1791, the church of Surb Harutyun (Holy Resurrection) was laid at the cemetery.

The temple was built on the initiative and at the expense of the head of the Armenian community of Saint Petersburg – Ivan Lazarevich Lazarev. The consecration took place in 1793.

In 1901, according to the design of the architect Alexander Kochetov, a church house was built nearby, the facades of which are decorated with carved ornaments, with motifs of Armenian architecture.

In the 1930s the church was closed and used as a sculpture workshop. The return of the church to God believers took place only in 1988. Over the past period, the entrance group was exposed to negative factors, including climatic ones.

We invite you to participate in this project and contribute to the restoration of our church.

A survey and cost estimate of replacing the entrance group (doors, porch and granite base) were carried out.

Budget: 900.000. rubles.



Fundraising was started: 02.12.2021

Fundraising is going on…

697 295 ₽
We need to raise: 1 000 000 ₽
Donations history
Date // time Name Amount
03.10.2023, 09:12 Дмитрий Краутман 10 000 ₽
24.09.2022, 16:44 Игорь Миносян 15 000 ₽
20.09.2022, 21:37 Арман Мирзоян 5 000 ₽
20.09.2022, 19:11 Анжелика Баграмян 30 000 ₽
19.09.2022, 20:19 Артур Лазарян 50 000 ₽
19.09.2022, 16:44 Цоцикян Зинаида 1 000 ₽
17.09.2022, 22:13 Светлана Баграмян 2 000 ₽
17.09.2022, 20:45 Gevorg 1 000 ₽
17.09.2022, 19:32 Костанян Ануш 5 000 ₽
17.09.2022, 18:54 Каринэ Атаянц 5 000 ₽
14.09.2022, 08:05 Светлана Баграмян 1 000 ₽
28.06.2022, 14:09 Мнацаканов Тигран Сергеевич 2 000 ₽
15.04.2022, 12:28 Гойдина Инесса 10 000 ₽
02.04.2022, 04:34 Спартак Матевосян (ООО "САНТЭ") 10 000 ₽
04.03.2022, 13:26 Спартак Матевосян (ООО "САНТЭ") 10 000 ₽
15.02.2022, 10:51 Мнацаканов Тигран 2 000 ₽
02.02.2022, 09:40 Спартак Матевосян (ООО "САНТЭ") 10 000 ₽
31.01.2022, 22:23 Эдвард Амбарданян 5 000 ₽
21.01.2022, 18:20 Мирзоян Роберт 4 000 ₽
17.01.2022, 16:41 Абрамян Марат 30 000 ₽
11.01.2022, 09:41 Спартак Матевосян (ООО "САНТЭ") 10 000 ₽
30.12.2021, 20:31 Лазарян Артур 50 000 ₽
30.12.2021, 00:00 Мирзоян Роберт 6 000 ₽
23.12.2021, 14:27 Тигран Мнацаканов 2 000 ₽
13.12.2021, 09:04 ООО «Миролла Лаб» (Гайк Аракелян, Геворк Акопджанян) 109 495 ₽
10.12.2021, 16:06 Сергей Карапетян 3 000 ₽
09.12.2021, 15:36 ООО «Аромат» 90 000 ₽
08.12.2021, 23:12 Искандарян Гайк 5 000 ₽
08.12.2021, 23:11 Чакрян Аршак (ООО "Скандинавия") 21 700 ₽
07.12.2021, 23:11 Арутюнов Эдуард 21 700 ₽
07.12.2021, 23:07 Камарян Геворг 50 000 ₽
07.12.2021, 22:04 Анашкин Сергей 21 700 ₽
07.12.2021, 00:13 Виктория Айрумян 500 ₽
07.12.2021, 00:11 Вардан Сафарян 25 000 ₽
07.12.2021, 00:00 Саркисян Гагик 25 000 ₽
06.12.2021, 23:09 Баграмян Анжелика 30 000 ₽
05.12.2021, 21:26 Марк Власов 500 ₽
05.12.2021, 16:10 Лилианна Арутюнян 2 200 ₽
05.12.2021, 14:22 Севак Мелоян 3 000 ₽
05.12.2021, 13:47 Апресян Виген 2 500 ₽
02.12.2021, 23:10 Григорян Феликс 10 000 ₽

Dear friends!

The CF ‘Our Duty’ presents one more important humanitarian project. Compatriots who are not indifferent to what is happening in Armenia are conducting trainings in Syunik on providing first aid in emergency, including conflict situations. Trainings are held both in Goris and in border villages for the local population. After training a number of fanny packs (expanded medical kits) is sent at the disposal of trained residents, especially in places of potential emergency situations. Because of the lack of adequate funding from the relevant competent authorities and the lack of necessary components in Armenia, they asked us to help in completing of first-aid kits. Each completed first aid kit (belt bag) is the saved life of our citizens on the troubled border!!! The statistics of the Second Artsakh War showed that a large number of deaths were the result of non-provision or improper provision of medical care to the victims. The border dwellers, their instructors and our Foundation will be grateful to you for your donation and, as a result, potentially saved lives of many of our citizens. As the number of necessary first-aid kits has no limit, only the first required amount is indicated in the project.

We thank in advance all those who responded, for whom the saved life of a person is the most important thing!

Dear friends!

We express our gratitude to everyone who has helped and continues to help in such an important project as sending first aid kits to the border regions of Armenia. The first 200 sets have already been purchased. We published a short video report. The project is going on…